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JAMES P. MC CABE grew up in West Babylon, Long Island, New York, and he attended grade school through high school there. He began to win awards for his artwork in the sixth grade (which was an oil painting set), continuing on to membership in the National Honor Society, and a full Regents Scholarship in Fine Arts to Buffalo State College in 1969. 

Following college, he worked as an art director, illustrator and computer graphics designer for television production companies, advertising agencies and sportswear manufacturers. His first commercial assignment was to design the logo for the HBO Magic Show in May 1977. He won an Award for Creative Excellence from Central Mills in 1999.

He founded this website gallery, All Nite Diner & Two Leaf Gallery, in 2004 as a means to display original graphics, illustrations, instructional courses and graphic stories. Our Members' Blog and reports on visits (not critiques, please!) to New York art galleries are also posted on the site.

 The All Nite Two Leaf logo was given an Award of Distinction in the Communicator Awards 2005 Print Media Competition.

 In 2009 James began writing and creating the artwork for DEGREES OF DIFFICULTY, a new weekly feature which can be found on the Two Leaf Gallery Home page.

 Degree of Difficulty #172, President Carter Tribute, a portrait of the President created with PowerPoint, is in the collection of the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum in Atlanta, Georgia. JPM.

James has been a member of the Broadcast Designers Association (BDA) and is currently a member of the Buffalo State College Alumni Association.

His article on painting and computer graphics, titled "How I Found the 'Radical Touch'" was recently published to his homepage on Linked In.


Buffalo State College, B.F.A.

School of Visual Arts, New York:  Animation workshop, evening course. Instructor: Marty Abrahams.

New York Institute of Technology: Manhattan campus, Computer Graphics Lab, two week workshop. Instructor: Christopher Lambl.



1977-present: Art Director, Graphic Designer and storyboard artist for television production, advertising and sportswear manufacturers.


1999: Award for Creative Excellence, Central Mills, Inc.


2005: Award of Distinction, 2005 Print Media Competition, Communicator Awards: All Nite Two Leaf Logo.

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